Hair Salon
Hair Salon explores the idea of mesmerism, the hypnotic state induced by a number of
disconnected events. The key to this piece is in the complexity of thought patterns that is influenced by the awkwardness of things that disrupt the smooth flow of continuity. The video continually poses the question 'and' ? for the conjunction 'and' sets things free, it is a kind of creative stammer - a foreign use of language as opposed to a conformist and dominant one.
Hair Salon presents us with the ultimate state of passivity, the passive observer is
mesmerised by fragmented musing stimulated by sound from the radio to that of the
TV, and music oscillating between Iranian pop and break dancing.
Whilst the main focus of the video is on this passive space generated by the hair salon
there is also a sense of impending reality - the real world of fragmented conversation and upheaval referenced through rubbish strewn streets. We become party to the impending possibility of a narrative as yet not fulfilled.
Participants: Tara Gallo and Goli Hair Salon
Exhibition History:
2012 - IkonoMenasa TV, Marrakesh Biennale TV Channel, Germany
2007 - "Under a New Sky" Phase 1: Green Ray, Balsall Heath, Birmingham
2007 - Middleastalentime, Adelaide Mercury Cinema,Adelaide, Australia
2006 - Middleastalentimel. dLux Media Arts, Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia
2006 - Middleastalentime. The Moving Image Center, Auckland, NZ
2005 - To be continued… (Helsinki Photography Festival)
2004 - Solo Show, SPACE at The Triangle, London